Note: Price differs due to different materials and sourced from different shops.
2 Swedish Kroner(SEK) = 1 Ringgit Malaysia
Price ranging between SEK 30 -40
2 Swedish Kroner(SEK) = 1 Ringgit Malaysia
Price ranging between SEK 30 -40
All items below are sold out
FM4: Sweden map - clay
Sold to Anita, Cheq, Aini and Shay
Sold to Noraishah Abdullah and Mommy Qastalani
FM8: Moose - stainless steel (Moose is the Swedish animal icon)
sold to Fynnaz
FM9: Viking ship (Diameter 4.2 cm)
Sold to Cheq
FM10: Fridge magnet/bottle opener
( Sold to Anita)
FM3: Fridge magnet + clip (steel & plastic & glass)
Wooden horse is a Swedish traditional symbol
( Sold to Anita, and Aini)
FM5: Moose head (wood)
Sold to Noraishah Abdullah, Ninie SS & Aini
Sy blurr lah.. FM6 masih ada atau suda sold out? Kalau sold out.. mahu book utk FM 3. kalau x ada juga.. berikan saya FM8 ok?? Sila ceritakan apa patut dilakukan.. b akaun bank bla bla bla
I nak 1 unit left for FM4: Sweden map - clay. TQ =).
Karipapsayur: FM6 ada lagi.
Email telah dihantar. Pls check ya :)
Fynnaz: Sorry, somebody sent an email earlier asked for FM4. Sold out dear.
Akaun maybank apa?? sila email ke ok.. harap segera. sbb takut tempoh utk booking suda abess.. TQ!
Salam..FM lawo semua.. Boleh tau mana yang available...?..Kalau free berkunjung lah ke BLOG FM sy di sini:-
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