Friday, May 22, 2009

Fridge magnets are all SOLD OUT

All fridge magnets are SOLD OUT. Thanks to all for the overwhelming response.

However, no further orders will be entertained. Thanks again.

I am behind schedule on a lot of things at the moment so please forgive me if I haven't replied your mail.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'll be away for a course next week and my schedule is very tight for the next few weeks. Don't worry, your reservations will be on first come first serve basis (by email bookings). However, please forgive me for late replies of emails or blog updates.

Thanks for visiting!

Final stock

Update: All FMs are SOLD OUT!


I am now currently in Stockholm, Sweden. Scheduled to go back to Malaysia in the middle of June. Items will be delivered only when I get back (the earliest would be end of June 2009)
. Packaging & postage will cost RM5 by Poslaju (will cost less if I use Pos Ekspress)

Email me at:

This is the FINAL STOCK of fridge magnets that I'm going to bring home. I have to limit the numbers because I need to bring other big/heavy things for close families and friends.As I live quite far from the city centre where FMs are sold only at tourists area, no further orders/special requests will be entertained. I hope you do understand.

Note: Please bare with me if I don't respond promptly as there is 6-hrs time difference between Malaysia and Sweden. As I also do this as a part-time while doing my work + Doctorate, I will try my best to entertain any questions ASAP.

Enjoy browsing!

Note: Price differs due to different materials and sourced from different shops.
2 Swedish Kroner(SEK) = 1 Ringgit Malaysia
Price ranging between SEK 30 -45

All FMs are SOLD OUT!
Booked by Faridah Hanim (1 for KB)

Viking ship (rubber)
Booked by Shamsiah, Azma, Jane Doe & Madamme Vanda
(more expensive from previous one because bought from different shop.)

Swedish map
Booked by Farhana, Noriza and Hazfazilah ( 1 for KB)(more expensive from previous ones because bought from different shop.)

Stockholm clay
6.5 cm x 7 cm (bigger than others)
Azma, Hazfazilah, Roziana and Noriza

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fridge magnets- new stock

All fridge magnets are already SOLD OUT! Thanks...

Swedish house
Opie and Shamsiah
Nita and Farhana

Opie and Zalilah

Stockholm Old Town

Swedish horse
Shay and Roziana

Viking ship (rubber)


Swedish map

Viking man
Wusyu_Panda and Nita

Stockholm picture A
Opie and Muzliani

Stockholm picture B
Booked by Nadia Dzai
How it looks in 3D.